10:00 - 10:30 |
- (Broadcasting) Opening Speech -
- Yasuhiko Fujikawa, President & CEO, VINAS Co., Ltd.
10:30 – 10:50 |
- Introduction of FE-DESIGN and Consulting Service of Weight Reduction and Structural Optimization by VINAS
- Toru Sugino, Director, Head of Tokyo Office, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- The front line of product development and design faces timeless challenges of reducing weight and cost. TOSCA is capable of not only finding out where problems exit but also coming up with better design recommendations with reduced weight. This presentation will introduce FE-DESIGN's approach to weight reduction with TOSCA, and VINAS's consultation service for weight reduction and structural design optimization.
10:50 – 11:10 |
- Introduction of Structural Optimization Consulting Service for Weight Reduction
- Hidetoshi Takaoka, General Manager, Engineering Department 3, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- In order to reduce weight of products and cut back the number of prototyping and testing, it is important to obtain a material layout that has good mechanical properties at the concept design phase. This presentation will highlight some important recommendations by VINAS for successful launch of design optimization at an early stage of product development process.
11:10 – 11:30 |
- Features of Non-parametric Structural Optimization System TOSCA 7.1
- Yusuke Houki, Structure Performance Optimization, Engineering Department 3, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- With TOSCA, companies can save cost by obtaining a design with reduced weight even when it seems impossible and cutting back the number of prototypes to make. This presentation will illustrate the way TOSCA can be linked with a general purpose structural analysis solver and provide an overview of TOSCA’s optimization functions.
11:30 – 12:20 |
- Overview of Structural Optimization with TOSCA.Structure 7.1”
- Mr. Chavdar Georgiev, Dipl. -Ing.
Product Manager, International Presales , FE-DESIGN GmbH
Optimization is getting more and more important in the modern product development process. FE-DESIGN introduces with the latest release of TOSCA.Structure version 7.1 a highly effective market-leading technology for rapid and reliable design of lightweight, rigid, and durable components and systems. |
12:20 – 13:35 |
Lunch / Demonstration *Short presentation |
13:35 – 14:25 |
- “FE-DESIGN “the optimization company”, case study: Weight-Optimization of the Pull Lever of a Press for massive forming.”
- Mr. Manfred Fritsch, Dipl. -Ing.
International Business Development , FE-DESIGN GmbH
Weight reduction and stress minimization of massive metal forming parts are decisive important to design better products and to become more competitive. The consideration of nonlinear impacts, manufacturing constraints and integration into the existing CAE environment enable customers to use TOSCA Structure in a early design phase. |
14:25 – 15:05 |
- Application of Non-parametric Optimization Technology in the Development of Photocopier
- Mr. Atsuhiko Shimoyama
CAE Development Division R&D Innovation Center R&D Headquarters, Konica Minolta Business Technologies, Inc.

In the development of photocopiers, Weight Reduction is becoming ever more important in order to save material and transportation costs and to reduce environmental burdens. For that purpose, we decided to use non-parametric optimization technology, and started evaluation of TOSCA. This presentation will show how we evaluated TOSCA and examples of optimization studies we conducted during the process. |
15:05 – 15:45 |
- Continued Discussion: Is Non-Parametric Better Than Parametric?
- Mr. Susumu Sunaga
Manager, R&D, FUKAI MFG. CO., LTD.

Are non-parametric optimization solutions really optimal? Last time I presented non-parametric optimization solution that is stiffer than parametric solutions. Since then, however, it was found that there were some issues. In this presentation, I will explain advantageous characteristics of non-parametric solutions and how to make the best use of them. |
15:45 – 16:05 |
Coffee Break *Short presentation |
16:05 – 16:45 |
- Application Example of TOSCA in Japan (to be announced)
* Details will be announced on our Web site when fixed.
16:45 – 17:00 |
- Importance of FEM Modeling in Topology Optimization
- Hidetoshi Takaoka, General Manager, Engineering Department 3, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- Accurate modeling of physics is important when performing topology optimization, because resulting geometry follows the load path. Definition of design space also affects the result. This presentation will highlight the importance of modeling by showing examples of optimization based on non-linear analysis of contact and large deformation problems.
(Broadcasting) Keynote Speech |
17:00 – 18:00 |
- CFD in the New Age of Fast Computers: From Unstructured to Cartesian Grids
- Prof. Kazuhiro Nakahashi
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
I have been engaged in the development of unstructured mesh CFD for quite some time, and am glad that it has benefited actual designs of airplanes. However, advancement of computers is now about to cause paradigm shift in the field of CFD too. This presentation will share my thoughts about this change. |
Reception Party |
18:00 – 20:00 |
- Please join! This is a good opportunity for sharing and exchanging information with each other.
- - Venue: Tokyo Conference Center Shinagawa - 5th floor foyer [in front of the grand hall] -
*Please notify your attendance at the time of registration. |
-Please note the program may change without prior notice.
-Company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks.
![Post-processor/CFD design optimization [I]](img/program_title_day1_a.gif) |
10:00 - 10:30 |
- Opening Speech -
- Yasuhiko Fujikawa, President & CEO, VINAS Co., Ltd.
10:30 - 10:45 |
- The Latest Version (V 13) and Development Plan of FieldView
- Masaya Tani, Product Group, Engineering Department 1, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- FieldView 13 takes advantage of the latest high-speed graphic processing technology and allows laptop PCs to perform parallel processing of large-scale CFD analysis data. This presentation gives examples of large data processing in XDB workflow and highlights of the latest version, as well as other application examples from Japan and overseas.
10:45 - 11:35 |
- From Formula 1 Racing to Helicopter Design, Effective CFD Data Management is the Key to Engineering Productivity
- Mr. Steve M. Legensky
Founder & General Manager, Intelligent Light
The problem of managing large and numerous CFD solutions has become the critical bottleneck in workflow productivity. This presentation will illustrate the new solutions for this issue that are embodied in the FieldView product line that benefit the CFD community. |
- ★FieldView Application Example (overseas) (Video)
Aerodynamic Analysis of Red Bull Formula 1 Racing Car
- Mr. Nathan Sykes
CFD Team Leader, Red Bull Technology Ltd.
- * Presented by Mr. Steve M. Legensky of Intelligent Light
11:35 - 11:40 |
Break |
11:40 - 12:10 |
- Development of Large-Scale Aerodynamic Analysis Solver (3-billion cells) and Large-Scale Visualization
- Mr. Masaya Tsunoda
Manager, Research & Development HQ, Research Dept. Ⅰ, Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd.
In order to increase accuracy of simulations, we are developing a special solver for large-scale calculations. One of the big challenges in handling data containing 3 billion cells is visualization. This presentation will focus on how we have achieved visualization of such large CFD solutions. |
12:10 - 13:30 |
Lunch / Demonstration *Short presentation |
13:30 - 14:00 |
- Application of CFD Analysis in Atmospheric Environment Evaluation and Examples of Visualization
- Dr. Takenobu Michioka
Research Scientist, Environmental Science Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
In order to evaluate diffusion of heat and pollutants in an urban area, we used a modified numerical model based on NuFD/FrontFlowRed. Results of the analysis and visualization will be presented. |
- Development of Numerical Analysis Technology for Technological Advancement of Thermal Power Plants
- Mr. Hiroaki Watanabe, Ph.D.
Research Scientist, Energy Engineering Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
In Japan, thermal power generation is and will continue to be an essential source of energy. This presentation will illustrate efforts made at the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry to increase efficiency of thermal power plants and reduce discharge of pollutants by using numerical analysis technology. |
14:00 – 14:30 |
- Increasing Efficiency of Engine Combustion CFD Analysis by Using CONVERGE and ICE Reporter
- Hideki Takase, Ph.D., Engineering Department 2, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- This presentation will talk about new features of the next version of CONVERGE (V1.4.1), including faster calculation of detailed chemical reactions and increased flexibility of grid control, and give an example of efficient CFD analysis of engine combustion conducted by using new features of automatic engine evaluation system ICE Reporter V2.0.
14:30 – 15:00 |
- Feasibility Study of Rapid-Mixing, Low-Emission Diesel Combustion Method
- Prof. Takemi Chikahisa & Prof. Yutaka Tabe
Division of Energy and Environmental Systems , Hokkaido University |
In order to propose a method for reducing NOx effectively even in high load conditions, we are studying effects of reduced high-temperature residence time on NOx emission. This presentation will report examples of numerical analysis of a diesel engine with rapid-mixing jet generation chamber, as well as results of experiments performed on the actual engine system. |
15:00 – 15:15 |
Coffee Break/Demonstration *Short presentation |
15:15 – 15:30 |
- SCULPTOR V3.0 – Evolving into a Multi-Objective Parametric Optimization System
- Sadahiro Kan, Product Group, Engineering Department 1, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- SCULPTOR V3.0 will include enhanced mesh/geometry morphing and much awaited multi-objective optimization engine. This presentation will highlight SCULPTOR's new functions that enable easier and more practical parametric optimization in the phase of product design.
15:30 – 16:10 |
- “SCULPTOR®: Thousands of designs from a single mesh in just seconds. Many new features and capabilities for CAE shape optimization.
- Mr. Mark D. Landon, Ph.D.
Chief Technical Officer, Optimal Solutions Software, LLC
Sculptor’s V3.0 unveils a new Optimization Control Center that includes a very easy to use graphical interface for shape optimization of CFD, FEA, CAD, FSI, models. Powerful optimization algorithms such as Gradient-based GRG, and DOE with the Optimal Latin Hypercube and Kriging Response Surface, design space visualization, and many other new features and capabilities. Many new tools make it easy to create arbitrary shape deformation (ASD morphing) volumes and create user defined shape change design variables. Adjoint gradient sensitivities have been added. This presentation includes results from many real world designs from Sculptor users, such as Gulfstream, Pratt & Whitney, NASA, Harley Davidson, and others. Exciting live demos will be demonstrated on how to create a large design space for your shape optimization problems in seconds. Thousands of meshes created from one mesh with no remeshing. Now is the time to use optimization techniques. Sculptor puts true shape optimization within your reach. |
16:10 – 16:50 |
- Optimization of Mirror Induced Noise
- Dr. Rob Lewis
Managing Director, TotalSim Limited
This paper presents a study of the detailed turbulent structures around an automotive mirror. The geometry is then optimized to reduce the noise on the side glass and also to minimize the mirror drag while maintaining the required mirror area. |
16:50 – 17:00 |
Break |
Keynote Speech |
17:00 – 18:00 |
- CFD in the New Age of Fast Computers: From Unstructured to Cartesian Grids
- Prof. Kazuhiro Nakahashi
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
I have been engaged in the development of unstructured mesh CFD for quite some time, and am glad that it has benefited actual designs of airplanes. However, advancement of computers is now about to cause paradigm shift in the field of CFD too. This presentation will share my thoughts about this change. |
Reception Party |
18:00 – 20:00 |
- Please join! This is a good opportunity for sharing and exchanging information with each other.
- - Venue: Tokyo Conference Center Shinagawa - 5th floor foyer [in front of the grand hall] -
*Please notify your attendance at the time of registration. |
-Please note the program may change without prior notice.
-Company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks.