10:00 - 10:30 |
- Opening Speech
- Yasuhiko Fujikawa, President & CEO, VINAS Co., Ltd.
Advanced CFD analysis and integration of pre/post-processes |
10:30 - 11:00 |
- New approach to design and analysis of liquid rocket engine
- Dr. Nobuhiro Yamanishi, JAXA's Engineering Digital Innovation Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
This session presents examples of high-fidelity simulations using CRUNCH CFD for the purpose of designing next generation liquid rocket engines. |
11:00 - 11:05 |
Short Break |
11:05 - 11:20 |
- A true parallel visualization of large-scale data enabled by the latest version FieldView 12.2
- Masaya Tani, Pre-Post Consulting Group, Engineering Department 1, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- The latest version of FieldView with its normal license offers parallel processing with up to four processors and speeds up otherwise painstakingly slow visualization of large-scale CFD analysis results. Various application examples from around the glove are presented in this session.
11:20 - 11:50 |
- Post-processing and HPC: Rethinking CFD workflows for the world of multi-core computing
- Mr. Steve M. Legensky, Founder and General Manager, Intelligent Light
For the past three years, Intelligent Light has been working on new architectures that provide customers with increased performance on clusters, multi-core and GPUs. The upcoming FieldView 13 release brings many of these new technologies into the hands of the CFD community, with increased ease of use and reliability. |
11:50 - 12:30 |
- Application of high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics for automotive and motorsports applications
- Mr. David F. Robinson, Ph.D., President, Corvid Technologies
Corvid Technologies conducts research and development of high-fidelity computational physics tools for both Department of Defense and motorsports applications. Corvid applies high-fidelity, first-principles modeling and simulation as the primary aerodynamic development tool for motorsports, resulting in hundreds to thousands of large transient datasets per program. An efficient post-processing tool is required to rapidly and accurately investigate these numerous datasets. An overview of the use of the tools utilized for motorsports applications is presented in this session. |
12:30 - 13:45 |
Lunch / Demonstration *Short presentation |
13:45 - 14:00 |
- High-quality mesh generation by sophisticated operation of Pointwise V16.02 mesh generator
- Masanori Hashimoto, Pre-Post Consulting Group, Engineering Department 1, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- Pointwise V16.02 offers robust support for CFD-based design work by its significantly enhanced operability and mesh quality evaluation features. This session presents the latest information of the software and its application examples.
14:00 - 14:30 |
- Solid Meshing Enhancements in Pointwise for Rapid CAE Preprocessing
- Mr. Richard J Matus, Ph.D., Vice President, Pointwise, Inc.
Solid Meshing uses solid model data to eliminate the need for CAD cleanup and to define grid and boundary condition topology at the geometry level. The new Solid Meshing implementation in Pointwise will be presented along with other recent meshing improvements. |
14:30 - 15:10 |
- Grid Generation for CFD Analysis of Marine Hydrodynamic Problems Involving Free-Surface Flows Around Complex Geometries
- Mr. Len Imas, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil. Environmental and Ocean Engineering, Stevens Institute
Presented case studies will include examples involving high performance racing yachts; flows with external cavitation; waves and body motions. The presented discussion will address topics such as solution sensitivity to resolution requirements, mesh topology, and solver type. The discussion will also address CAD to mesh portability issues and strategies for grid generation automation. |
15:10 - 15:30 |
Coffee Break/Demonstration *Short presentation |
15:30 - 16:00 |
- Application of automatic CFD mesh generation in ship hull design
- Mr. Fumitoshi Ochi , Ship and Marine Technology Dept., IHI Corporation
An example of using Gridgen and its Glyph script language for automation of computational mesh needed for ship performance analysis based on CFD (RANS) and improvement of efficiency in design process are presented in this session. |
16:00 - 16:30 |
- Combustion analysis of pulverized coal using OpenFOAM
- Dr. Kenji Yamamoto, Coal Science Project, Hitachi Ltd. Energy and Environmental Systems Laboratory
Hitachi Ltd. uses high-fidelity numerical analysis technology in development of environmentally friendly pulverized coal-fired boilers. This session presents analysis technology of pulverized coal combustion developed by using an open source CFD toolbox OpenFOAM. |
16:30 - 17:00 |
- Development of highly efficient and environmentally friendly industrial equipment utilizing city gas
- Dr. Shuichi Aoki, Fundamental Research Department, Toho Gas Co., Ltd.
Toho Gas engages in developmental study to support and promote development of highly efficient and environmentally friendly industrial equipment utilizing city gas. This session presents examples of analyses conducted in Toho Gas's product development process. |
17:00 - 17:20 |
- Co-Sponsored Speech
IBM System x iDataPlex for HPC,
can help you face constraints in power, cooling or physical space.
- Mr. Tetsushi Otsuki, System x, IBM Japan, Ltd.
- IBM System x ™ iDataPlex ™, a large-scale solution, can help you face constraints in power, cooling or physical space. The innovative design of the iDataPlex solution integrates Intel ® processor-based processing into the node, rack and data center for power and cooling efficiencies, and required compute density.
17:20 - 17:35 |
Coffee Break/Demonstration |
Keynote Speech |
17:35 - 18:15 |
- Multi-scale, multi-physics heart simulator "UT-Heart"
- Prof. Toshiaki Hisada, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
This year's keynote speech presents a multi-scale, multi-physics heart simulator which can accurately reproduce excitation propagation, heart contraction and ejection of blood by configurating 20 million mathematical cell models based on molecular mechanism throughout the actual tissue structure of a heart. |
Reception Party |
18:20 - 20:00 |
- Please join! This is a good opportunity for sharing and exchanging information with each other.
- - Venue: Tokyo Conference Center Shinagawa - 5th floor foyer [in front of the grand hall] -
*Please notify your attendance at the time of registration. |
-Please note the program may change without prior notice.
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