13:25 - 13:35 |
- FieldView 12.2 - New features of the latest version
- Masaya Tani, Pre-Post Consulting Group, Engineering Department 1, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- This quick introduction session presents new features that are introduced and enhanced in FieldView 12.2 and gives you an opportunity to see the demonstration of FieldView Parallel setting.
13:35 - 13:45 |
- Highly efficient mesh generation by high-quality mesh generator "Pointwise"
- Masanori Hashimoto, Pre-Post Consulting Group, Engineering Department 1, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- Pointwise is a new mesh generation tool which combines user-friendly operations based on intuitive GUI with high-quality mesh generation capabilities. Examples of improved efficiency in analysis tasks and enhanced performance of solvers are presented, along with a demonstration of typical Pointwise operations.
15:20 - 15:30 |
- Introduction of an innovative combustion analysis solver CONVERGE
- Shinichi Oka, Manager, Applied Research for Advanced Technology, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- This quick introduction session presents CONVERGE, an engine combustion analysis solver with fully automatic mesh generation capability. Developed by researchers from University of Wisconsin Engine Research Center who are known for distinguished research work in spray and combustion in engines, this innovative solver package improves both operational efficiency and computational accuracy at the same time.
12:50 - 13:00 |
- Highly efficient mesh generation by high-quality mesh generator "Pointwise"
- Masanori Hashimoto, Pre-Post Consulting Group, Engineering Department 1, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- Pointwise is a new mesh generation tool which combines user-friendly operations based on intuitive GUI with high-quality mesh generation capabilities. Examples of improved efficiency in analysis tasks and enhanced performance of solvers are presented, along with a demonstration of typical Pointwise operations.
13:00 - 13:10 |
- FieldView 12.2 - New features of the latest version
- Masaya Tani, Pre-Post Consulting Group, Engineering Department 1, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- This quick introduction session presents new features that are introduced and enhanced in FieldView 12.2 and gives you an opportunity to see the demonstration of FieldView Parallel setting.
15:30 - 15:40 |
- Design optimization made easy! New GUI and example cases of TOSCA 7.0
- Yusuke Houki, Structure Performance Optimization Group, Engineering Department 3, VINAS Co., Ltd.
- TOSCA 7.0 has a new GUI "TOSCA ANSA environment", which enables setting of optimization task performing remeshing while viewing the model.
The new GUI significantly improves operational efficiency and allows performance of topology optimization through shape optimization, all in this new GUI.
Along with the new GUI, this session presents application examples of TOSCA in automotive and aerospace industry.
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